Vous pourrez facilement passer un bon après-midi en faisant le tour de l'Ile de la cité pour découvrir toute la richesse de ce petit bout de terre au milieu de La Seine. Et quand vous arriverez à sa pointe ouest, vous goûterez un repos mérité dans le petit square du Vert-Galant. Admirez le joli Gingko Biloba au milieu de la pelouse !
I live in Croatia and write a book about ginkgo for print. Type of the book is: scientifically-popular.
My question is:
if you allow me to publish a smaller photograph with website? Photograph is Ginkgo biloba in Paris (http://parispassion.canalblog.com/images/t-028cVert_galant.JPG ) - or (some) other photographs (about ginkgo in Paris etc.) of your choice?
Photograph has been signed (Vol 1, part 5): "Ginkgo tree on the island of Seine River, Paris, France. Source: (http://parispassion.canalblog.com/images/t-028cVert_galant.JPG). The photo was published good deed “Paris passion“, France http://parispassion.canalblog.com)." - or how you want it?
(+ "Special thanks"... )
I send you the example of books (Vol 1 and 2) in pdf - early 2011.
View please Contents (Vol 1-3) here: http://www.ginkgoinfo.blogspot.com/ or http://ginkgo-biloba1771ginkgoeu.blogspot.com/
Many thanks in advance!
Big regards!
B.M. Branko Begovic (Croatia)